Scientific Achievement
We investigated the effect of redox gradients on nitrogen transformation in the subsurface by integrating a complex reaction network into PFLOTRAN, which is an open source, massively parallel, three-dimensional, reactive flow and transport code.
Significance and Impact
We evaluated how hyporheic exchanges and hydro-geomorphological characteristics together show varying levels of denitrification potential within two active meanders of the lower East River catchment in southwestern Colorado.
Research Details
- The meander driven hyporheic exchanges increase denitrification rates because of relatively longer residence times in the organic carbon-rich sediments.
- High-resolution data such as NHD provide an efficient strategy to correctly delineate meanders with computational tractability.
Dwivedi, D., C.I. Steefel, B. Arora, and G. Bisht (2017), Impact of intra-meander hyporheic flow on nitrogen cycling, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 17, 404-407, doi: 10.1016/j.proeps.2016.12.102.