Berkeley Lab

Watershed Function SFA Hosts its first Virtual Mini-retreat

The Watershed Function SFA hosted its first-ever virtual mini-retreat. Using Zoom, 90 team members, collaborators, and invited guests engaged in two half-day sessions of live and recorded presentations, virtual breakouts, and discussions by video and text.

A subset of the 25+ pre-recorded “pop-up” presentations featuring Watershed SFA research updates are featured below. For some meeting snapshots, see here.


Effects of variation in changing climate and snowmelt date on Evapotranspiration in the East River Watershed, Colorado

Shale bedrock variability across the watershed scale

Baseflow Age Distributions in a Headwater Mountain Stream

Snowmelt Microbial Ecology Across Chemical, Molecular, and Spatial Scales

Rates of bedrock weathering and N fluxes including N2O emission

Quantifying dynamic surface-subsurface interactions using RTM along a riparian corridor

Hysteresis patterns of watershed nitrogen retention and loss