Scientific Achievement
Diversity generating retroelements occur in CPR and DPANN, putative symbionts with reduced genomes. These enzymes introduce hypervariability in specific proteins.
Significance and Impact
Targeted protein diversification is a pronounced trait of CPR and DPANN compared to other organisms. This diversification mechanism may provide a versatile tool for adaptation to a host-dependent existence.
Research Details
- Genomes were reconstructed from environmental samples.
- Diversity generating retroelements were identified
- Incidence as a function of lineage was determined
- Diversification targets were identified and the protein’s function predicted
Paul, B. G.; Burstein, D.; Castelle, C. J.; Handa, S.; Arambula, D.; Czornyj, E.; Thomas, B. C.; Ghosh, P.; Miller, J. F.; Banfield, J. F.; Valentine, D. L. (2017), Retroelement-guided protein diversification abounds in vast lineages of Bacteria and Archaea, Nature Microbiology, 2, 17045 DOI: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2017.45.