Scientific Achievement
Phenocam and other near-surface sensing technologies provide an avenue to observe and characterize the timing of plant growth, becoming more powerful in combination with microclimate monitoring.
Significance and Impact
Standardizing approaches to manage data and improve design will further expand the use of these technologies.
Research Details
- Automated digital time-lapse cameras (phenocams) are powerful tools for recording and understanding ecological responses to global environmental change.
- Documenting such changes in the environment is critical for informed decision making and to reduce or counteract negative outcomes
- Standardization of practices and metadata recording will improve the utility of phenocams and facilitate their integration with other monitoring methods
Citation: Brown, T. B.; Hultine, K. R.; Steltzer, H.; Denny, E. G.; Denslow, M. W.; Granados, J.; Henderson, S.; Moore, D.; Nagai, S.; SanClements, M.; Sanchez-Azofeifa, A.; Sonnentag, O.; Tazik, D.; Richardson, A. D. (2016), Using phenocams to monitor our changing Earth: toward a global phenocam network, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(2), 84-93, DOI: 10.1002/fee.1222.