Associated with the recent UAV-based hyperspectral and multi-spectral imaging campaign and accompanying ground-based sampling, below is a video highlighting some of the efforts of Nicola Falco (LBNL) and Dana Chadwick (Stanford) at the Pumphouse lower montane intensive study site:
For those with an interest in the mining and mineral impacted portions of the watershed and specifically upcoming activities by USGS and Berkeley Lab researchers, below are two videos presenting conditions within the Redwell Basin. The first presents more of a synoptic view while the second focuses on an intriguing high-elevation wetland system that likely serves as an important biogeochemical reactor impacting metals export from the basin. The wetland is organic rich, with the obvious presence — visually and by smell — of sulfidic soils and sediments underlying the surface layer. Metal-rich fluids emanating from the former mines and mineralized rock in the basin perfuse much of this wetland system.
The Redwell Basin represents the location of two deep boreholes planned for installation, coring, hydrologic testing, and geophysical logging in September 2017, with ground conditions associated with planned surface geophysical surveys presented in both videos.