A New Tool to Integrate Diverse Environmental Data
BASIN-3D is a tool developed by Berkeley Lab researchers that reduces the data processing burden for Earth scientists by making ...

A New Tool to Integrate Diverse Environmental Data
BASIN-3D reduces the data processing burden for Earth scientists by making it easier to pull together data from different sources ...

Advanced Methods to Better Predict Watershed Responses to Climate Change
This study developed a watershed zonation approach for characterizing watershed organization and function in a tractable manner by integrating multiple ...

Computer Science Fills Groundwater Data Gaps and Advances Water Level Predictions
Omission patterns are a key to effectively estimate missing groundwater data. A sequential gap-filling strategy is required to estimate extremes ...

Field-scale Estimation of Soil Properties from Spectral Induced Polarization Tomography
A surface geophysical method called spectral induced polarization tomography was used for the first time ever to estimate soil physical ...

What a Low-to-No-Snow Future Could Mean for the Western U.S.
With mountain snowpacks shrinking globally, a new study analyzes when a low-to-no-snow future might arrive in the western U.S. and ...

A hybrid data-model approach to map soil thickness in mountain hillslopes
A hybrid data—model approach improves the accuracy of mapping soil thickness as well as soil transport rate and soil production ...

Testing geological origins of fast groundwater pathways using machine learning
New machine learning methods help scientists rank interpretations of geophysical data – and in the process understand important groundwater flow ...

State-of-the-Knowledge: Linking Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes in Riparian Corridors
In this editorial, the authors put forth that dynamic hydrologic connectivity is a primary factor leading to high biogeochemical activity ...

Hidden processes during seasonal isolation of a high-altitude watershed
Fluvially-produced methane is a significant contributor to atmospheric concentrations and more complete annual sampling will lend insight and better accountability ...